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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for September 24, 2024

All zodiac signs have their own characteristics and traits which define someone’s personality. Wouldn’t it be helpful if you started your day by already knowing about what’s going to come your way? Read on to find out whether the odds will be in your favour today.
You will need to put in extra time to complete a job that is lagging on the professional front. The money saved on a project is likely to be put to good use. Someone on the family front may not take no for an answer, so use tact and diplomacy to have your way! You are likely to become a proud owner of a prime property. Your academic performance is likely to please you. Cater for someone on a journey, as he or she is likely to join you.
Love Focus: Your romantic relationship can experience rough weather.
Lucky Number: 11
Lucky Colour: Dark Blue
Health remains satisfactory but with efforts on your part. Good earning opportunities may come your way to make you more financially secure. A long trip is expected. Those dealing in property may get a deal of a lifetime. You are likely to catch up on the gossip by participating in a festival or an event. You’ll spend quality time with your parents and friends, and there will be an improvement in your bond.
Love Focus: Chances of a relationship going sour on the romantic front cannot be ruled out.
Lucky Number: 6
Lucky Colour: Brown
An excellent opportunity is likely for those involved in trade. Wealth may come to you in the form of inheritance. A family member may make you proud. There is a fair chance of a flat or a plot getting allotted to you. A journey by air may be planned for something important. You will only enjoy good health by remaining regular in your workouts.
Love Focus: Cupid’s arrow is likely to find its mark and bring romance into your life.
Lucky Number: 1
Lucky Colour: Purple
Good networking will help you reach potential clients on the business front. You will enjoy helping out someone on the family front with your valuable suggestions. A journey or a function may become the perfect setting for romance to happen, so rejoice! Eat healthy food at regular intervals throughout the day to keep fit. A property issue can take an ugly turn, but don’t let it go the legal way. Your luck turns for the better on the academic front.
Love Focus: If love is what you seek, patience is a virtue worth developing!
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Red
Doing something together with the family is indicated. You will be able to maintain a good showing on the academic front. A short vacation is on the cards. Don’t burden others with your work. A health initiative you take will keep you fit. An important target is likely to be achieved on the professional front. Money may become a concern and get you in two minds regarding an important purchase.
Love Focus: Attempts to resurrect your dull love life may require more effort.
Lucky Number: 17
Lucky Colour: Orange
Your confidence on the academic front promises to take you to the very top. Your hard work and dedication to a task will be hard to ignore. Frequent travelling proves beneficial on the professional front. Much fun is in store on the family front. Profits in a business venture promise to keep your financial front healthy. Something introduced on the health front is likely to benefit you. You will be able to get a good price for something that you decide to sell.
Love Focus: You may hide your romantic interest from your near and dear ones, but not for long.
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Peach
You are likely to keep a close watch on your spending. Taking the family out for a picnic or movie seems possible today. You will be able to establish yourself firmly on the professional front. A leisure trip can unexpectedly materialise and delight you. This is an excellent time to go all out to achieve your dreams. A health initiative proves beneficial. Shifting to a bigger house is indicated.
Love Focus: Judge for yourself if this is the first sign of a budding romance!
Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colour: Yellow
Peace and tranquillity may be difficult to achieve at home today. Those in government service are likely to get in line for promotion. Travelling together to someplace enjoyable is foreseen. Shifting to a better residence is indicated for some. You will be able to proceed as per your plan on the academic front. Eating right and remaining active is your mantra for good health, so stick to it. An invite to a party will help raise your spirits.
Love Focus: Some appeasing may be required to make the romantic relationship strong.
Lucky Number: 22
Lucky Colour: Baby Pink
You may have to keep your budget in mind while shopping. Purchasing a plot or flat is possible for those looking for one. Family’s support and concern will be most encouraging. You will enjoy good health and remain fit. An overseas vacation is on the cards and will prove enjoyable. Someone may turn cold towards you on the social front. You may be made responsible for some events.
Love Focus: Hurdles appearing on the romantic front are likely to disappear.
Lucky Number:9
Lucky Colour: Maroon
Excellent returns are expected from property and previous investments. This is a good time to give practical shape to your ideas on the professional front. A family get-together will provide a welcome break from a monotonous routine. A trip gets postponed. A new exercise regimen will prove immensely useful. Property matters will progress satisfactorily through someone’s efforts. Restlessness needs to be guarded against on the academic front.
Love Focus: Lover can be in complaining mode, so give a sympathetic ear.
Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Colour: Cream
You are likely to feel satisfied with whatever you have achieved at work today. You are likely to get a lucky break on the financial front. Positive steps may be required to restore perfect health. Delays may take the fun out of a journey. The social scene will be to your liking today. The domestic front will be most peaceful and the family most accommodating. Outside help will prove better for handling a property issue.
Love Focus: Someone you secretly admire is likely to set your heart aflutter on the romantic front!
Lucky Number:4
Lucky Colour: Beige
A healthy diet and meditation are the need of the hour for some. Be careful of your mood swings with the family. A much-anticipated leisure trip is possible. Setting up a new house is in the pipeline. A good showing on the academic front is likely to keep your morale high. Good profits accrue from a previous investment. Professionally, you may be chosen to represent a prestigious body or organisation.
Love Focus: A tight schedule can make it difficult for you to spend a quiet evening with your lover.
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Peach
